Welcome to the South African Islamic Centre
Our vision is to provide comprehensive Islamic teachings to the English speaking communities in Dubai. We welcome everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims from all over the world that want to learn about Islam. We have classes for children and adults and it is a great opportunity to make your living here in UAE a much more fulfilling experience. Please be our guest and give us your suggestions and feedback. We are here for you!
For Adults
South African Islamic Centre offers a range of Adult programmes catering for a wide audience.
For Children
South African Islamic Centre offers a comprehensive education programme for children between the ages of 6 to 15.
Learn Islam
The Dawah section provides information about Islam to non-Muslims by conveying the true message of Tawheed.
Talk to Us
We are your community center and here at your service. Your comments and suggestions help us improve.

By Mufti Taqi Uthmaani
Muharram is the month with which the Muslims begin their lunar Hijrah Calendar. It is one of the four sanctified months about which the Holy Quran says,
“The number of the months according to Allah is twelve months (mentioned) in the Book of Allah on the day in which He created heavens and the earth. Among these (twelve months) there are four sanctified”.

By Mawlana Abu ’l-Hasan ‘Ali al-Nadwi
The fast of ‘Ashura [on the 10th of Muharram] was prescribed before the fasts of Ramadan. The Jews observed it and so did the people of Arabia before the dawn of Islam.
It is related by Imam Bukhari (may Allah have mercy on him) on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that when the Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) came to Madinah he found that the Jews observed the fast of ‘Ashura. He enquired about it from them and was told that it was the da